B R E A T H E + C A L M has finished their line of Aromatherapy products! We are working to get them up online, so sit tight…we’ll be right with you. Thank You! .



Press Pause.

By way of the trees and the roots and the grasses.  Immerse yourself in the earthy, grounding, peaty scent of moisture and marsh.  While this scent is not for everyone, the deep release of stress that these oils offer, surely is.

Stress is a part of life.  What matters most is how we handle it.  

What we propose is an interval lifestyle.

One where you stop to create moments of quiet throughout your morning,  day, and night, to support  your overall sense of peace and calm. 

A Moment for You

Imagine this is your day...

Living life.  PAUSE.  Use a BREATHE  + CALM Sacred Oil Ritual from this Box.      

Breathe and Restore.  Live life.  REPEAT.

Intermittent Living of Life + Breathing With Sacred Ritual Oil = A Balanced, Peaceful You

Our Serious Stress Release Sacred Oil Aromatherapy Rituals Line was created to support harmony within the body, mind, and spirit - to relax you and restore feelings of joy and happiness. 

It is packed full of Sacred rituals that you can use to calm and quiet the entire system, providing peace throughout the day, so that the body may find deep, tranquil rest that helps restore wellness.